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The wanting in rock and roll is the same passion for truth and love that exists in the heart of every child, every priest, every heart that beats. We want to tear down every wall that separates us from the wonder of being who we are. No bullshit, no dogma, no do it this way or that way. Do it from the head and heart and loins of your very soul. That is the rock and roll way. That is the essence of King Shaolin. Tell the truth of what you want. Be wholly alive to the rhythms of life, of pleasure, of being in the embrace of a beauty that will kill you, but be alive, alive and never stop pushing at that rock and roll mountain. New-Age Popsters KING SHAOLIN announce the release of their highly anticipated debut album Road To The Machiavelli Valley out December 15, 2012. Mixed in Los Angeles the album features 12 original tracks written by Dominik Stofko. King Shaolin offer a fresh take on the term soul-pop. Punchy and clear with well timed breaks and beats, King Shaolin's sound is a crisp, clean, soul-pop potpourri telling tales of life, love, and rowdy pleasure. Lead singer Dominik pounds out each word he sings with a passionate urgency, the lively lyrics spilling from his soul with hard won experience and burning with truth. Since March 2013 the band has played more than 700 concerts and several TV shows in 7 European countries. In 2014 King Shaolin was nominated in Radio Head Awards as the artist of the year and the band of the year and in ZAI music awards as the new talent. King Shaolin's singles got into the daily rotation of Slovak and Czech TV stations such as MTV CZ, OCKO TV and MUSIQ 1 TV. The single FRIEND has made it into the daily rotation of Fun Radio, Radio Expres, and other Slovak radio stations. In June 2015 KING SHAOLIN won second prize at the CARPATHIA FESTIVAL - International song contest in Rzeszow (Poland). Dominik Štofko also received a prize for best song composition. In March 2016 the band released the single "Money In My Soul", featured daily on Europa 2 radio. In March 2017, the band released their second studio album PLAY AGAINST THE RULES. They also announced a four-week tour to support the record, which began on March 03, 2017. 2018 King Shaolin with Celeste Buckingham was the opening act at the Aerodrome festival. They also appeared at the Sziget Festival on the Europa Stage with Celeste Buckingham in 2019, and in 2023 they shared the stage at the Lovestream Festival in Bratislava.


New-age popová kapela vznikla v roku 2011 a za 14 rokov aktívnej činnosti sa stala stálicou slovenskej scény, tvoria ju spevák, gitarista a skladateľ Domi Stoff, basgitarista Peter Áč, bubeník Lukáš Vajda a gitarista a hráč na sampler a perkusie Michal Neffe. Single zoskupenia sa dostali do rotácií a hranosti všetkých slovenských rádií. Ich videoklipy sa tiež objavili v českej MTV, ÓČKO TV, MUSIQ 1TV. Formácia má na konte tri albumy, tri EPčka a viac ako 700 koncertov v siedmych krajinách Európy. V roku 2014 kapelu nominovali v kategóriách: interpret roka a koncertná kapela roka v rámci Radiohead Awards a na objav roka v hudobných cenách ZAI. O rok neskôr KING SHAOLIN získali druhé miesto na medzinárodnom festivale piesne v poľskom Rzeszowe a ocenenie za najlepšiu kompozíciu za skladbu „Friend“ bolo odovzdané Dominikovi Štofkovi. Ich najznámejšia skladba „Money In My Soul“ sa držala 9 týždňov v prvej stovke najhranejších skladieb na Slovensku. Na svojom konte má kapela tieto spolupráce: s Celeste Buckingham, s českou speváčkou LENNY, Vladisom, Bokim, Janou Kirschner. Po boku Celeste Buckingham sa kapela predstavila na Aerodrome Festivale, Sziget Festivale, Lovestream Festivale a mnohých ďaľších.

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